
Online Library

Access to Reports and Studies Undertaken by Member Churches

African Evangelical Presbyterian Church (AEPC (Kenya))

Anugraha Reformed Presbyterian Church of Bangalore, India (ARPCBI)

Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARPC (USA & Canada))

Calvinist Reformed Churches of Indonesia (CRCI (Indonesia))

Canadian Reformed Churches (CanRC)

Note: the CanRC do not have a practice of adopting position papers as a bond of churches, though local churches may do so.

Note: This will link you to the search page of the Dutch site, with the search term “English”

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia (CRCA)

Note: When last consulted, the CRCA only had one position paper posted.

Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales (EPCEW)

Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ireland (EPCI)

Evangelical Reformed Church in India (ERCI (India))

Free Church in Southern Africa (FCSA)

Free Church of Scotland (FCS)

Free Church of Scotland Continuing (FCS-C)

Note: Click on “About Us” to explore further.

Free Reformed Churches in South Africa (FRCSA)

Note: the FRCSA do not have a practice of adopting position papers as a bond of churches, though local churches may do so.

Free Reformed Churches of North America (FRCNA)

Heritage Reformed Congregations (HRC (USA & Canada))

Independent Reformed Church of Korea (IRCK)

Kosin Presbyterian Church in Korea (KPCK)

Note: This links through to the English page on the KPCK website.

Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC (USA & Canada))

Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia (PCEA)

Presbyterian Church of Uganda (PCU)

Presbyterian Free Church of India (PFCI)

Reformed Church in the US (RCUS)

Reformed Churches in Brazil (RCB)

Reformed Churches in Indonesia (RCI (Indonesia))

Reformed Churches in South Africa (RCSA)

Note: To find adopted position papers one will have to dig through the “Synods” section of the website. One can also try About Us > Views.

Reformed Churches of New Zealand (RCNZ)

Reformed Churches of Spain (RCS)

Reformed Churches The Netherlands (RCN)

Note: the RCN page is in Dutch only. The RCN do not have a practice of adopting position papers as a bond of churches, though local churches may do so.

Reformed Presbyterian Church of Africa (RPCA (Uganda))

Reformed Presbyterian Church of Central and Eastern Europe (RPCCEE (Hungary, Ukraine, Romania))

Reformed Presbyterian Church of India (RPCI (India))

Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland (RPCI (Ireland))

Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA)

Reformed Presbyterian Church of North East India (RPCNEI)

Sudanese Reformed Church (SRC)

United Reformed Churches of Congo (URCC)

United Reformed Churches of North America (URCNA)

Conference papers

Please be aware that views expressed in papers are those of the author. 

Reformed Piety Covenantal and Experiential – Dr. Joel Beeke [DOC]

Calvin’s Preaching on Job – Dr. Derek Thomas [DOC]

A Brief Overview of Christian Mission Work Among Native Indian Religious Groups – Rev. Hiralal Solanki [DOC]