Publications Committee


At the 2022 ICRC the Publications Committee was given the following mandate:

A. The ICRC shall be served by an operating committee to be known as the Publications Committee. The Publications Committee in turn will be served by a Website Subcommittee and a Magazine Subcommittee.

B. The composition of these committees shall be as follows:

  1. Publications Committee: a convenor, the Corresponding Secretary (ex officio) and the members of the two subcommittees
  2. Website Subcommittee: the convenor of the Publications Committee, the Corresponding Secretary (ex officio) and one further member. The webmaster serves as advisor to the Website Subcommittee.
  3. Magazine Subcommittee: the convenor of the Publications Committee and four further members representing, as much as possible, the different regions in the world and/or liaisons appointed by the facilitating committees and operating committees of the ICRC. The Corresponding Secretary serves as advisor to the Magazine Subcommittee. The Magazine Subcommittee shall function as the editorial board for the magazine and elect from its midst an editor-in-chief.
  4. All three committees may be expanded with advisors by the ICRC or by the Publications Committee as deemed necessary.

C. The purpose of the Publications Committee is to facilitate the publication of materials from ICRC committees and member churches in keeping with the purposes of the ICRC (Constitution, III)1

D. The mandates for the Publications Committee are as follows:

  1. Via the Website Subcommittee:
    • Arrange for the construction and maintenance of a website for the Conference, which shall include a list of the ICRC Member Churches (with links to the Members’ websites, where possible); copies of the Constitution, Regulations, and Informational Documents; copies of the Proceedings of previous meetings of the Conference (in a form suitable and appropriate for posting on the Internet); a list of the upcoming meeting dates and venues for the major assemblies of the Member Churches; materials for upcoming meetings of the Conference; information and materials regarding Regional Conferences, including the hosting Member Church, date, and venue of upcoming Regional Conferences; and other materials which the Website Subcommittee deems appropriate (bearing in mind the nature and extent of the Conference’s authority, Constitution V).2
    • Develop and implement policies for the operation of the Conference’s website, including a job description for the position of Webmaster, and report such to the Publishing Committee.
    • Appoint a Webmaster to labor under its oversight.
  2. Via the Magazine Subcommittee:
    • Publish a quarterly magazine and distribute this as efficiently and broadly as possible
    • To publish in this magazine:
      • Articles from members in good standing of ICRC member churches; such articles shall be in line with the foundation and purposes of the ICRC
      • Communications from ICRC committees
      • Press releases of ICRC Regional Conferences
      • Announcements regarding broadest assemblies of ICRC member churches
      • Announcements from institutions (Missional, Diaconal, Theological) that are in line with the foundation and purposes of the ICRC
    • Develop and implement policies for the operation of the Conference’s magazine and report such to the Publications Committee.
    • Appoint a layout-editor to labor under its oversight.
  3. To facilitate further means of communication as need is felt and opportunity arises.
  4. To submit annual reports to the Coordinating Committee and a quadrennial report to the Corresponding Secretary at least six months before the next ICRC.
  5. To work within its allotted budget, keeping to the following:
    • The Publications Committee will submit a financial statement and a budget to each ICRC for the previous and upcoming four-year period.
    • The Publications Committee will submit an annual financial statement to the Coordinating Committee.
    • For costs that exceed those budgeted by more than 20%, the Publications Committee will seek the approval of the Executive Committee.

  1. The purpose of the Conference shall be:
    1. to express and promote the unity of faith that the Member Churches have in Christ;
    2. to encourage the fullest ecclesiastical fellowship among the Member Churches;
    3. to facilitate and promote cooperation among the Member Churches in such areas as missions, theological education, and ministries of mercy;
    4. to study the common problems and issues that confront the Member Churches;
    5. to present a Reformed testimony to the world. ↩︎
    It is understood that the Conference is not a synodical, classical, or presbyterial assembly, and therefore all actions and decisions of the Conference, other than those with respect to a church’s membership in the Conference (Constitution, IV), are advisory in character and may in no way curtail, restrict, or intrude into the exercise of the jurisdiction or authority given to the governing assemblies of the Member Churches by Jesus Christ, the King and Head of the Church. ↩︎

Committee members


The Rev. Dr. Roelf C. Janssen, Canada (serving on both subcommittees) | Email:


Mr. Frank Ezinga, Canada

Webmaster: Mr. Martin Vanwoudenberg, Canada

The Rev. James Visscher, Canada


The Rev. Sjirk Bajema, New Zealand

The Rev. Lawr Khawbung, India

The Rev. Paul Bukenya, Uganda

The Rev. Heon Soo Kim, Korea.

Mr. Chris Boersema, Brazil

The Rev. Dr. Albert Coetsee, South Africa

The Rev. William Middelkoop, The Netherlands