Coordinating Committee
Mr. Mark Bube (USA)
Corresponding Secretary
The Rev. Dr. Roelf Janssen (Canada)
7949 202A Street, Langley, BC
V2Y 1W8 Canada
Email: secretary@icrconline.com
The Rev. Dr. Douw Breed (South Africa)
The Rev. Dr. Aaron Bae (Korea)
Recording Secretary
The Rev. Dr. Albert Coetsee (South Africa)
Mr. Kyle Lodder (USA)
Sub-committees and convenors:
Missions Committee
Mr. Mark Bube (USA)
Theological Education Committee
The Rev. Dr. Douw Breed (South Africa)
Diaconal Committee
Mr. David Nakhla (USA)
Regional Conference Committee
The Rev. Reinier Noppers (New Zealand)
Website Committee
The Rev. Dr. Roelf C. Janssen (Canada)
Constitution and Regulations
The current constitution of the ICRC, and the updated regulations can be found below. Files are in PDF format.