Diaconal Resources
What will you find here? A goldmine of material for deacons!
If you want to receive any of these resources, please send a message to the Diaconal Committee’s secretary: PG Boon, fampgboon@gmail.com
Bonisa Mission
Supporting Chinese Christian Ministries with literature, education and diaconal support.
Canadian Reformed World Relief Fund
The Fund presents an avenue for members of supporting churches to respond to the needs of their distant neighbours. Affiliated Church Federations: Canadian & American Reformed Churches.
Kerk Punt
Promote between different diaconal platforms / networks: 1) learn from each other 2) work together as together you are able to do more 3) speak with one voice on behalf of churches. Affiliated Church Federations: Christian Reformed Churches in the Netherlands; Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Liberated).

The Reformed Deacon
The Reformed Deacon is a monthly interview and discussion podcast created by the Orthodox Presbyterian Church Committee on Diaconal Ministries. The Reformed Deacon exists to strengthen and encourage the brotherhood of reformed deacons in their God-given role of serving the local church. Affiliated Church Federations: Orthodox Presbyterian Church in the USA.
OPCCDM Training
Real world case studies, summits, recommended reading etc. from the Committee on Diaconal Ministries of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Affiliated Church Federations: Orthodox Presbyterian Church in the USA.
OPCCDM Policies and Procedures
Variety of policies, procedures and other documents shared by OPC diaconates. Affiliated Church Federations: Orthodox Presbyterian Church in the USA.
Word & Deed
Word & Deed is a Reformed Christian ministry, with the mission to meet the spiritual and physical needs of people in the developing world in accordance with biblical principles for the glory of God. Word & Deed aims to do this in over 50 ongoing projects in 13 countries by supporting and developing indigenous (local) churches and Christian partners in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Affiliated Church Federations: Free Reformed Churches of North America; Heritage Reformed Churches; Heritage Reformed Congregations
Affiliated Church Federations: Canadian Reformed Churches & Free Reformed Churches in North America
Mercy Minute
A Newsletter from the Committee on Diaconal Ministries. Affiliated Church Federations: Orthodox Presbyterian Church in the USA.
Word & Deed
Affiliated Church Federations: Canadian Reformed, Free Reformed, Heritage Reformed and United Reformed Churches.
Biblical stewardship & poverty
Affiliated Church Federations: Canadian Reformed, Free Reformed, Heritage Reformed and United Reformed Churches.
PG Boon
Ministry of Mercy
Basic Explanation of the Diaconal Office for first time Deacons – powerpoint. Affiliated Church Federations: Free Reformed Churches in South Africa.
PG Boon
Diakonale Gemeente & Armoede
Diaconal congregation & poverty. Affiliated Church Federations: Canadian Reformed, Free Reformed, Heritage Reformed and United Reformed Churches.
PG Boon
Cursus Bloeiend diaconaat
Textbook and Films. Affiliated Church Federations: Christian Reformed Churches in the Netherlands; Reformed Churches (Liberated) in the Netherlands.
Diaconaal Bureau CGK en GKv
The Deacon and the Church
Lecture for the European Conference of Reformed Churches – 17 May 2018. Affiliated Church Federations: European Churches of the ICRC.
G Drayer
Lecture on different aspects of the diaconal office
Summit Training Videos. Affiliated Church Federations: Christian Reformed Churches in the Netherlands.
Diaconal Conferences and Lectures
Affiliated Church Federations: Orthodox Presbyterian Church in the USA.
Policies and Forms
The Diaconal Ministry of the Church
Statement explaining what diaconal ministry is, written by the Diaconal Committee of the ICRC.
Church Order – Canadian & American Reformed Churches
Church Order of the Canadian & American Reformed Churches in connection with the Diaconal Office. Affiliated Church Federations: Canadian and American Reformed Churches.
Policy of diaconal deputies of the CGK Netherlands
Affiliated Church Federations: Christian Reformed Churches in the Netherlands.
Vrye Gereformeerde Kerk Pretoria Maranata
Policy on how deacons address financial needs of members in the congregation. Affiliated Church Federations: Free Reformed Churches in South Africa.
Form for the Ordination of Elders and Deacons
Affiliated Church Federations: Canadian and American Reformed Churches.
Policy of the National Diaconate Committee of the Reformed Churches of New Zealand
Principles of diaconal aid; International relief projects; National emergency relief; Relationship with other agencies; Promotion and education. Affiliated Church Federations: Reformed Churches of New Zealand.
The Mandate of “World Transform”
Principle of Christian relief; Considerations for international / national emergency relief; Relationships with other agencies. Affiliated Church Federation: Christian Reformed Churches of Australia.
Working Policy on Principles of Diaconal Ministry
Affiliated Church Federations: Orthodox Presbyterian Church in the USA.
Study Report on the Office of Deacon
Affiliated Church Federations: United Reformed Churches in North America.
Books & Articles & Brochures

De Praktijk van de Ambten (2018)
About the church offices.
M Assink

Theology made practical (2017)
Calvin on welfare : diaconal ministry in Geneva and beyond. Affiliated Church Federations: Heritage Reformed Churches in North America.
JR Beeke, DW Hall, MAG Haykin

The deacons handbook (1980)
G Berghoef & L De Koster

Yes! Ik ben diaken (2020)
Yes, I’m a deacon! Affiliated Church Federations: Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Liberated)
C Beukema & M Wierenga & DJ Poel

Fruitful and Faithful (Reformed Fellowship)
This collection of essays offers Biblical and practical essays written by seasoned churchmen drawing upon a wealth of leadership knowledge, experience, and wisdom. Affiliated Church Federations: United Reformed Churches in North America.
W Boekestein & S Swets

Financial Aid of McDevelopment – Curse for Africa?
In: The Funeral of Mandela (Pretoria 2015), pg. 93
Pitfalls in development and upliftment work in the third world. Affiliated Church Federations: Free Reformed Churches in South Africa.
PG Boon

Tithing in a New Light?
In: The Funeral of Mandela (Pretoria 2015), pg. 99
Biblical financial stewardship on the mission field and at home. Affiliated Church Federations: Free Reformed Churches in South Africa.
PG Boon

Again About Money …
In: The Funeral of Mandela (Pretoria 2015), pg. 108
How to reach self-supporting mission churches. Affiliated Church Federations: Free Reformed Churches in South Africa
PG Boon
A Separate and Unique Office Given by Christ
Essentials of the diaconal office. Affiliated Church Federations: United Reformed Churches in North America.
PG Boon

The Freedom in Christ and the Collection Bag
The Freedom in Christ and the Collection Bag. Tithing in the New Testament era. Affiliated Church Federations: United Reformed Churches in North America.
PG Boon

Geheel anders in ‘n armoedekultuur
Totally Different in a Culture of Poverty. Tithing in the New Testament era. Affiliated Church Federations: United Reformed Churches in North America.
PG Boon

Called to Serve (Reformed Fellowship)
Twelve authors have contributed to this valuable resource for training elders and deacons. Affiliated Church Federations: United Reformed Churches in North America.
M Brown

Het oude diaconaat in de zich vernieuwende Kerk (1966)
The old office of the diaconate in an ever renewing church.
H Bouchette

When Helping Hurts (2009)
How to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor and yourself.
S Corbett & B Fikkert

Handboek Diaconie Wetenschap (2011)
H Crijns

Deel je leven (2017)
About diaconate and youth. Affiliated Church Federations: Christian Reformed Churches in the Netherlands; Reformed Churches (Liberated) in the Netherlands.
Diaconaal bureau & Diaconaal steunpunt

Goed nieuws voor de armen (1977/1981)
Good news for the poor.
J De Santa

Dienen en Delen (2012)
Serve and share.
GJ den Hertog & A Noordergraaf

The Ministry of Mercy for Today (2003)
PY De Yong

Diakonie in heden en verleden (1992)
History of the Reformed diaconate in the Netherlands 1886-1992. Affiliated Church Federations: Reformed Churches (Liberated) in the Netherlands.
G Harinck, AH Bornebroek, AJ te Grotenhuis, R Janssens, CChr Sol & C Trimp

Hart voor de ander, werkboek voor kringen
Affiliated Church Federations: Christian Reformed Churches in the Netherlands.

Deacons go visiting! (2003)
Overview of the task of deacons — Guidelines for special visits by deacons for those in need — Guidelines for general visits by deacons to all church members. Affiliated Church Federations: Free Reformed Churches in Australia.
W Huizinga

Als de tak wil bloeien
Developmental Aid in Christian Perspective.
H Jochemsen

Ruim baan voor gerechtigheid (2010)
Freeway for justice.
T Keller

Zichtbare liefde van Christus (1991)
Visible love of Christ. The diaconate in the congregation.
D Koole & WH Velema

W Malda-Douma

John Calvin on the diaconate and liturgical almsgiving (1984)
EA McKee

40 questions about elders and deacons (2008)
BL Merkle

Momenten van diaconale bezinning (2016)
Contemplations on the diaconate.

Barmhartigheid en gerechtigheid (2004)
Contemplations on the diaconate.
H Noordergraaf

Profiel van de diaken (2002)
Profile of the deacon. Affiliated Church Federations: Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Liberated).
DJ Poel

De diaconale gemeente (2004)
The diaconal congregation. Affiliated Church Federations: Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Liberated).
G Riemer

Heilzame Presentie (2018)
Healing Presence.
B Roor

Samen sta je sterk
Standing strong together. About diaconal cooperations and diaconal platforms. Affiliated Church Federations: Christian Reformed Churches in the Netherlands, Reformed Churches (Liberated) in the Netherlands.

Passing the Plate
Why American Christians don’t give away more money.
C Smith & MO Emerson

The New Testament Deacon (1992)
A Strauch

Zorgen voor de gemeente
The ministry of elders and deacons explained. Affiliated Church Federations: Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Liberated).
C Trimp

The Deacon (2016)
Affiliated Church Federations: Canadian and American Reformed Churches.
C Van Dam

Zevenvoudig Diaconaal (2006)
Affiliated Church Federations: Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Liberated).
P van der Kamp

Diaconia / Charitas (1978)
Diaconia / Charitas – motivation to serve.
JC Van Dongen

Deacons’ manual (1970)
Helps and hints in diaconal conferences and community concerns, resettling refugees, meeting disasters, holding clothing drives.
L Van Ess

Nabije Naasten (2007)
Close neighbors, churches active in local diaconate. Affiliated Church Federations: Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Liberated).
E Van Hoek & M Vreugdenhil & R Kuiper

Kerk voor de buurt (2011)
Church for the neighborhood. How to mean something for your town or suburb.
R Van Loon

Dienst doen (2008)
Serving, practical guide for deacons.
H Van Well

The deacon’s handbook (2009)
L Wiersma & CK VanDyke

Handboek voor Diakenen (2017)
Textbook for deacons
H Wijma

Jesus and Money
A guide for times of financial crisis.
B Witherington

Yes, ik ben diaken
Yes, I’m a deacon (Kerkpunt Brochures). Affiliated Church Federations: Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Liberated).