Member Churches
Africa Evangelical Presbyterian Church (AEPC)
- Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Africa_Evangelical_Presbyterian_Church
- Contact: Rev. Dr. Joseph Mutei
- Email: josmutei@gmail.com
- Address: P.O. Box 43489 – 00 G.P.O. Nairobi, Kenya
Anugraha Reformed Presbyterian Church of Bangalore, India
- Contact: Rev. Edwin P. Singh
- Email: edwinpsingh@gmail.com
Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
- Website: http://www.arpchurch.org
- Contact: Rev. Benjamin Glaser
- Email: pastor.glaser@gmail.com
- Address: 1400 Hwy 161N, Clover, SC 29710, USA
Canadian Reformed Churches
- Website: http://www.canrc.org
- Contact: Rev. Dr. R.C. (Karlo) Janssen
- Email: cer@canrc.org
- Address: 7949 – 202A street, Langley BC, V2Y1W8, Canada
Calvinist Reformed Churches in Indonesia
Gereja Gereja Reformasi Calvinis di Indonesia
- Contact: Rev. Yonson G. Dethan
- Email: mensesd@hotmail.com
- Phone: +6282111930391
- Address: SMP-SMA Reformasi Jl. Timor Raya KM. 14.5 Noelbaki –Kupang – NTT Indonesia
Christian Reformed Churches in The Netherlands
(De Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland)
- Website: https://cgk.nl/en
- Contact: Rev. Florus W. van der Rhee
- Email: buitenlandsekerken@cgk.nl
- Phone: +316 145 75 250
- Address: Edelvalk 44, 3905 RB Veenendaal, Netherlands
Christian Reformed Churches of Australia
- Website: http://www.crca.org.au
- Contact: Rev. Andrew Nugteren
- Email: anugteren@crca.org.au
Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales
- Website: http://www.epcew.org.uk
- Contact: Chris Kavanagh
- Email: clerk@epcew.org.uk
- Address: 24 Homespa House, 37 Christ Church Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 2NY
Evangelical Presbyterian Church (Ireland)
- Website: http://www.epcni.org.uk
- Contact: Harold Gibson
- Email: sw15oa@sky.com
- Phone: 00 44 28 95145253
- Address: 24 Homespa House, 37 Christ Church Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 2NY
- Convener of Inter Church Relations: Rev. John Grier
- Email: j.grier@hotmail.co.uk
Evangelical Reformed Church in India
- Contact: Rev. Anupkuar Arun Hiwale
- Email: ercsecretary@gmail.com
Free Church of Scotland
- Website: https://freechurch.org
- Contact: Rev. Malcolm Macleod
- Email: callum.macleod@freechurch.org
- Phone: +44 7901913843
- Address: Principal Clerk of the General Assembly, 29 Stewart Drive, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, HS1 2TU, Scotland
Free Church of Scotland (Continuing)
- Website: http://www.freechurchcontinuing.org
- Contact: Rev. Graeme Craig
- Email: principalclerk@fccontinuing.org
Free Church in Southern Africa
- Contact: The Clerk of Assembly
- Email: tmnqaba@siu.org.za
- P.O. Box 681,King William’s Town, Eastern Cape, 5600, Rep. of South Africa
Free Reformed Churches of North America
- Website: https://frcna.org
- Contact: Mr Edward Laman
- Email: edwardlaman@aerloc.com
Free Reformed Churches in South Africa
- Website: http://www.frc.org.za
- Contact: Johannes Moes
- Email: hmoes2010@gmail.com
Heritage Reformed Churches in North America
- Website: https://heritagereformed.com
- Contact: James Beeke
- Email: jimbeeke@shaw.ca
Independent Reformed Church of Korea
- Contact: Rev. Heon Soo Kim
- Email: heonsookim@gmail.com
- Phone: (0)31-466-6220 ==> + 82 (0)31 465 5530M. 016-355-2978 ==> (0)10 3355 2978
- Address: Theological Academy1152 Bisang-Dong, Anyang, Kyungki-Do, 431-050 South Korea
Kosin Presbyterian Church in Korea
- Website: http://kosin.org
- Contact: Rev Younghan Lee
- Email: solahan@chol.com and e.kosin@kosin.org
- Phone: +82-2-592-0433
- Fax: +82-2-592-5468
- Address: 06593,10-5 Gomurae-ro, Seocho-ku, Seoul, South Korea (137-803)
Orthodox Presbyterian Church
- Website: https://opc.org
- Contact: Mark Bube
- Email: mark.bube@opc.org
- Address: Administrator Committee on Ecumenicity and Interchurch Relations, Orthodox Presbyterian Church 607 N. Easton Road, Building E. Willow Grove, PA 19090-2539 USA
Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia
- Website: http://pcea.org.au
- Contact: Rev. Robin Tso
- Email: robintso@gmail.com
- Phone: +61-2-4987-2093
- Address: PO Box 30, Raymond Terrace, NSW 2324 Australia
Presbyterian Church in Uganda
- Contact: Mr. Fred Kabenge
- Email: icrcafricaregion2016@gmail.com
Presbyterian Free Church
(previously known as Free Church of Central India)
- Contact: Rev. Shyam Babu
- Email: john_andrewus@yahoo.com
- Phone: 9425888424
- Address: Kacheri Road, Lakhnadon Dt. Seoni, Madhya Pradesh India, Pin 480 886
Reformed Church of the United States
- Website: http://www.rcus.org
- Contact: Rev. Ron Potter,
- Email: reformed@nep.net
- Phone: 9425888424
- Address: 136 Grande Ave., Forest City, PA 18421
Reformed Churches of Brazil
Igreja Reformadas do Brasil
- Website: https://igrejasreformadasdobrasil.com/confeder
- Contact: Elias Barbosa da Silva
- Email: ellijahbs@gmail.com
- Phone: (81) 96402053
- Address: Rua Antônio Waldemar Acioly Bell n. 209, Centro, São José dao Coroa Grande, PE CEP 55565-000
Reformed Churches in Indonesia
Gereja Gereja Reformasi di Indonesia
- Contact: Rev. Pila Njuka
- Email: pilanjuka_wgp@yahoo.com
- Phone: +62 387 61703
- Address: Jln H R Horo no 21 Matawai-Waingapu, NTT 87111 Indonesia
Reformed Churches of Spain
- Contact: Rev. José de Segovi
- Email: josedesegovia@terra.es
- Phone: (34) 915944764
- Ecumenical Relationships: Rev. Bernard
- Email: costerbcoster@teleline.es
- Phone: Tel: (34) 938489614
- Clerk of Synod: Rev. Manuel L.Franco
- Email: manuellfranco3168@gmail.com
- Address: Urb. El Tesorillo 9 – D, 18690 Almuñecar, Granada, Spain
Reformed Churches of New Zealand
- Website: https://rcnz.org.nz
- Contact: Rev. Bruce Hoyt
- Email: bruce.hoyt@gmail.com
- Phone: 03 434-6846 | Mobile: 027 567-7244
- Address: 22 Awamoa Road, Oamaru 9401, New Zealand
Reformed Churches in South Africa
- Website: https://eng.gksa.org.za
- Email: adminburo@gksa.co.za
- Phone: +2718 294 5397
- P.O. Box 2004, Noordbrug, 2522, Republic of South Africa
Reformed Churches [The Netherlands]
Gereformeerde Kerken
- Website: https://www.geref-kerken.nl/
- Contact: Evert Haaksma
- Email: secr-bk@gereformeerdekerkennederland.nl
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Central and Eastern Europe
- Website: https://www.reformatus.net/en
- Contact: Rev. Imre Szoke
- Email: kgtmi@t-online.hu
Reformed Presbyterian Church of India
- Contact: Rev. Hiralal Solanki
- Email: njp_rpci@yahoo.co.in
- Phone: 9810719082
- Address: 51 C Rajpur Road Dehradun, Uttrakhand 248001- India
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland
- Website: https://rpc.org
- Contact: Prof. W. D. J. McKay
- Email: wdjmckay@aol.com
- Phone: +44 28 90760589
- Address: 37 Old Holywood Road, Belfast, BT4 2HJ Northern Ireland
Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America
- Website: https://www.reformedpresbyterian.org
- Contact: John M. McFarland
- Email: jmmlawrence@aol.com
- Phone: +1-785-766-7796
- Address: Christ Covenant Church: 2312 Harvard Road; Lawrence, Kansas 66049
Reformed Presbyterian Church North-East India Synod
- Website: http://www.rpcnei.org
- Contact: Rev. Lungawiruol Khawbung
- Email: hqrpcnei@gmail.com
- Phone: +91 9856085502
- Address: Peace Lane, Luioa Road, P.O. Box 4, Churachandpur, 795128 Manipur, India
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Africa (Uganda)
- Contact: Rt. Rev. Robert Mabonga
- Email: mabongarobert@yahoo.com
Sudanese Reformed Churches
- Contact: Rev. Patrick Jok Ding Wic
- Email: patrickwic@rocketmail.com
- Address: P.O. Box 412, Juba, South Sudan
United Reformed Churches in North America
- Website: https://www.urcna.org
- Contact: Rev. John van Eyk
- Email: secofcecca@gmail.com
United Reformed Church in Congo
(previously known as the Confessing Reformed Church in Congo)
- Contact: Rev. KM Kabongo
- Email: kmkabongo@yahoo.fr
- Phone: 00243 997315323
- Address: 4, Av. Lisala, Masina Petro-Congo, Kinshasa, DR Congo