Theological Education Committee


That the Conference establish a Theological Education Committee, consisting of five members (with two alternates), to assist the Conference in facilitating and promoting cooperation among the Member Churches in the theological education of their ministers, with a mandate to:

A. Arrange for a consultation among representatives of the ICRC Member Churches for the purposes of exchanging information on current and planned programs of theological education for their ministers, discussing issues of mutual concern, and exploring ways for possible bi- or multi-lateral cooperation in theological education among the Member Churches.

B. Gather information regarding and distribute a booklet summarizing (by both Member Church and nation) the institutions of theological education that are operated (or approved) by the ICRC Member Churches for distribution to the ICRC Member Churches through the ICRC website and presentation to the next meeting of the Conference.

C. The TEC communicate with the ICRC TEC Seminary Representatives on a regular basis to ascertain upcoming course and professorial needs (with logistical details) and to communicate such needs to other seminaries.

Committee Members


The Rev. Dr. Douw Breed, South Africa | Email:

 Secretary: The Rev. Dr. Gerhard Visscher, Canada

Further Members

Mr. Jim Beeke, Canada

The Rev. Dr. Tony Curto, USA

The Rev. Dr. Kim Jae Yoon, Korea

The Rev. Dr. Matthew Ebenezer, India

The Rev. Dr. Philip Scheepers, The Netherlands