Missions Committee
That the Conference establish a Missions Committee, consisting of five members (with two alternates), to assist the Conference in facilitating and promoting cooperation among the Member Churches in missions, with a mandate to:
- Arrange for a consultation among representatives of the world missions agencies of the ICRC Member Churches for the purposes of exchanging information on current and planned work, discussing issues of mutual concern, and exploring ways for possible bi- or multi-lateral cooperation in mission among the Member Churches.
- Gather information regarding and distribute a booklet summarizing (by bothMember Church and field) the mission works of the ICRC Member Churches for distribution to the world missions agencies of the ICRC Member Churches and presentation to the next meeting of the Conference.
- Publish (in a format suitable for republication in the Member Churches’ own media) an ICRC Missions Newsletter, on a periodic basis for the benefit of the Churches, mission agencies, and/or the inter-church relations committees. This Newsletter should include descriptions of opportunities for missionary service and/or mission project participation pending in the Member Churches, and articles intended to promote interest in Reformed missions. When appropriate, articles from the Newsletter may also be posted on the ICRC website.
- Help provide and facilitate arrangements for papers on mission topics of mutual interest to be used during the Regional Conferences and/or the ICRC itself.
- Gather and study the relevant documents from the Member Churches regarding their mission vision, policies, programs or projects, including the training of missionaries and mission methodologies, and to report on its study of these documents, as appropriate.
- Disseminate to the Member Churches, pursuant to the PROTOCOL FOR RESPONDING TO OPPORTUNITIES TO ASSIST PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS (Proceedings of the ICRC, October 16–22, 2009, Christchurch, New Zealand, Article 71, pages 59–60 and 85–87), information regarding opportunities to assist persecuted Christians and their families, especially among those who profess the Reformed faith, and to designate a Missions Committee representative for the purpose of implementing the PROTOCOL.
- Develop and maintain a list of mission contact representatives for each Member Church. Each representative will be responsible for disseminating ICRC missions information and materials to their respective churches and for gathering and transmitting to the Missions Committee the relevant information from their respective churches necessary for the accomplishment of (1)–(6) above.
- Send a report to the Corresponding Secretary at least six months before the next ICRC.
- Propose a budget for the following four years to the next ICRC.
Committee members
Mr. Mark Bube, United States | Email: bube.1@opc.org
Further members
The Rev. Dirk Boersma, South Africa
The Rev. Dr. Arjan de Visser, Canada
The Rev. Hyosang Kwon, Korea
The Rev. Richard Bout, Canada
The Rev. Patrick Jok, Sudan
The Rev. Yonson Dethan, Indonesia